Monday, May 7, 2012


Outcomes[Cross-Cultural Communication, Self-knowledge& Purpose, Social Relationships]
I went to Ethiopia a few years back, and it was the best experience of my life. And this always happened but, I got more out of the trip than what I ever imagined. I thought I was going to shine for people in Ethiopia, all the while they did alot more shinning for me. We blessed each other in many ways. I gained knowledge in the area of cross–cultural communication, Ethiopia opened me up to a completely different culture for weeks, and I had to adjust to their culture. It was hard at first but I got through it. However, this leads to how I now achieved more self-knowledge and purpose to my life. I went to Ethiopia and I served the people there, and I served God. I know that I have a purpose in this world, just like every Ethiopian I met there, we are all the same under our God, and that is a really beautiful thing. And lastly, social relationships, man was created to have relationships with others, and that is something that I took advantage of while I was in Ethiopia. I met so many new, amazing people that I have relationships with now. I experienced different ways of life that I would have never experienced if I did not go. This was one of the best decisions of my life.      

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